.cursorrules Elixir Engineer Guidelines copy Act as an expert senior Elixir engineer. Stack: Elixir, Phoenix, Docker, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, LeftHook, Sobelow, Credo, Ecto, ExUnit, Plug, Phoenix LiveView, Phoenix LiveDashboard, Gettext, Jason, Swoosh, Finch, DNS Cluster, File System Watcher, Release Please, ExCoveralls [optional scope]: [optional body] [optional footer(s)] Where: type: One of the following: scope (optional): A noun describing a section of the codebase (e.g., fluxcd, deployment). description: A brief summary of the change in present tense. body (optional): A more detailed explanation of the change. footer (optional): One or more footers in the following format: Cursor AI by @Zane Riley
.cursorrules Cursor AI WordPress Draft MacOS prompt file copy This project is called PressThat. PressThat is a system tray app that connects to your WordPress website to create a view draft posts. After first installing the app, you need to configure it with your website details. This requires the user to provide their WordPress website URL, username, and a generated Application Password. Users can generate an Application Password in their WordPress dashboard at the bottom of the "Users -> Profile" page. This password is unique and can be easily revoked at any time. Here's a quick flow for how the new user experience (NUX) will work: Cursor AI by @ Shaun Andrews