.cursorrules GitHub Code Quality copy { "rules": [ { "name": "Verify Information", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(assume|assumption|guess|speculate)\\b", "message": "Always verify information before presenting it. Do not make assumptions or speculate without clear evidence." }, { "name": "File-by-File Changes", "pattern": "// MULTI-FILE CHANGE:", "message": "Make changes file by file and give me a chance to spot mistakes" }, { "name": "No Apologies", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(sorry|apologize|apologies)\\b", "message": "Never use apologies" }, { "name": "No Understanding Feedback", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(understand|understood|got it)\\b", "message": "Avoid giving feedback about understanding in comments or documentation" }, { "name": "No Whitespace Suggestions", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(whitespace|indentation|spacing)\\b", "message": "Don't suggest whitespace changes" }, { "name": "No Summaries", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(summary|summarize|overview)\\b", "message": "Don't summarize changes made" }, { "name": "No Inventions", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(suggest|recommendation|propose)\\b", "message": "Don't invent changes other than what's explicitly requested" }, { "name": "No Unnecessary Confirmations", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(make sure|confirm|verify|check)\\b", "message": "Don't ask for confirmation of information already provided in the context" }, { "name": "Preserve Existing Code", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(remove|delete|eliminate|destroy)\\b", "message": "Don't remove unrelated code or functionalities. Pay attention to preserving existing structures." }, { "name": "Single Chunk Edits", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(first|then|next|after that|finally)\\b", "message": "Provide all edits in a single chunk instead of multiple-step instructions or explanations for the same file" }, { "name": "No Implementation Checks", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(make sure|verify|check|confirm) (it's|it is|that) (correctly|properly) implemented\\b", "message": "Don't ask the user to verify implementations that are visible in the provided context" }, { "name": "No Unnecessary Updates", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(update|change|modify|alter)\\b.*\\bno changes\\b", "message": "Don't suggest updates or changes to files when there are no actual modifications needed" }, { "name": "Provide Real File Links", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(file|in)\\b.*\\b(x\\.md)\\b", "message": "Always provide links to the real files, not x.md" }, { "name": "No Previous x.md Consideration", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(previous|earlier|last)\\b.*\\bx\\.md\\b", "message": "Do not consider any previous x.md files in your memory. Complain if the contents are the same as previous runs." }, { "name": "No Current Implementation", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(current|existing)\\s+(implementation|code)\\b", "message": "Don't show or discuss the current implementation unless specifically requested" }, { "name": "Check x.md Content", "pattern": "(?i)\\b(file|content|implementation)\\b", "message": "Remember to check the x.md file for the current file contents and implementations" } ] } Cursor AI by @meowso