.cursorrules Astro TypeScript copy { "rules": { "commit_message_guidelines": { "description": "Guidelines for creating conventional commit messages.", "format": { "description": "The format for commit messages using the conventional commits spec.", "body": "[optional scope]: \n\n[optional body]\n\n[optional footer(s)]" }, "enabled": true, "rules": [ { "description": "Always suggest a conventional commit with a type and optional scope in lowercase letters." }, { "description": "Keep the commit message concise and within 60 characters." }, { "description": "Ensure the commit message is ready to be pasted into the terminal without further editing." }, { "description": "Provide the full command to commit, not just the message." } ], "examples": [ { "prompt": " /commit", "response": "git commit -m 'feat: add responsive navbar with TailwindCSS'" } ] }, "development_guidelines": { "description": "Guidelines for developing code with Astro, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS.", "enabled": true, "rules": [ { "description": "Enforce strict TypeScript settings, ensuring type safety across the project." }, { "description": "Use TailwindCSS for all styling, keeping the utility-first approach in mind." }, { "description": "Ensure Astro components are modular, reusable, and maintain a clear separation of concerns." } ] }, "coding_style": { "description": "Guidelines for maintaining consistent coding style.", "enabled": true, "rules": [ { "description": "Code must start with path/filename as a one-line comment." }, { "description": "Comments should describe purpose, not effect." }, { "description": "Prioritize modularity, DRY principles, and performance." } ] }, "custom_slash_commands": { "description": "Custom slash commands.", "enabled": true, "commands": [ { "name": "/commit", "description": "Generate a Git commit message using the conventional commits spec.", "enabled": true } ] } } } Cursor AI by @Jaime Aleman