.cursorrules ES Module Node.js Guidelines copy ## General - Follow best practices, lean towards agile methodologies - Prioritize modularity, DRY, performance, and security - First break tasks into distinct prioritized steps, then follow the steps - Prioritize tasks/steps you’ll address in each response - Don't repeat yourself - Keep responses very short, unless I include a Vx value: - V0 default, code golf - V1 concise - V2 simple - V3 verbose, DRY with extracted functions ## Code - Use ES module syntax - Where appropriate suggest refactorings and code improvements - Favor using the latest ES and nodejs features - Don’t apologize for errors: fix them * If you can’t finish code, add TODO: comments ## Comments - Comments should be created where the operation isn't clear from the code, or where uncommon libraries are used - Code must start with path/filename as a one-line comment - Comments should describe purpose, not effect Cursor AI by @Danny Ayers